Available dataReferences and datasets included in the package. |
Coordinates for hg19 chromosomes. |
Coordinates for GRCh38 chromosomes. |
Coordinates for GRCm38 chromosomes. |
Example CNAqc dataset. |
Data (simulation performance) from the trainig set to auto-tune epsilon. |
Example PCAWG tumour |
List of Intogen driver genes per tumour type. |
Coordinates for hg19 genes |
Coordinates for GRCh38 genes |
Data processingFunctions to manipulate and visualise the data. |
Creates a CNAqc object. |
Extract mutations. |
Extract CNAs. |
Extract per-gene copy number status. |
Extract drivers data. |
Plot the read-counts data histograms. |
Plot CNA segments. |
Plot the length of clonal simple CNAs. |
Plot counts and numbers of clonal simple CNAs. |
Plot genome-wide mutation counts. |
Plot genome-wide coverage. |
Plot genome-wide VAFs. |
A circular plot for simple clonal CNAs. |
Plot a summary of QC results. |
Split a dataset by chromosome. |
Randomly subsample mutations. |
Subset by clonal segments. |
Subset clonal simple segments total copy number. |
Subset mutations by minimum CCF |
Retain clonal segments with minimum number of mutations. |
Subset only SNVs. |
Print for class |
Plot for class |
Compute WT and mutant alleles per gene |
Purity and ploidy QCAnalysis of calls by peak detection. |
QC by peak-detection algorithms. |
Determine the optimal error tolerance to QC clonal simple CNAs. |
Plot VAFs across chromosomes. |
Plot the results of peak analysis. |
Returns percentage of passed segments |
CCF estimationComputation of Cancer Cell Fractions data. |
Compute CCF values. |
Extract CCF estimates. |
Plot the CCF estimates in the data. |
Plot genome-wide CCFs. |
SmoothingAnalysis and plotting functions to smooth segments. |
Smooth simple clonal CNAs. |
Plot smoothed and non-smoohted segments. |
Overfragmentation detectionAnalysis and plotting functions to smooth segments. |
Determines arm-level over-fragmentation patterns. |
Plot the arm level fragmentation test. |
Pipelines and parsersPipelines and parsers implemented with CNAqc. |
CNAqc-based purity-optimisation pipeline for Sequenza. |
Parse Battenberg calls. |
Variants annotation detectionAnnotation of putative variant drivers. |
Annotate variants and drivers. |
Cohort functionsFunctions to visualise multiple objects at once. |
Plots CNAs from multiple samples. |
Mutational SignaturesFunctions to convert and store mutational signature tables |
Augment SBS data for mutational signatures deconvolution |
Extract SBS count data |
Plost SBS counts |
MAF interfaceFunctions to convert from CNAqc to Maf format. |
Convert a CNAqc object to a maftools object. |
Convert a list of CNAqc object to a maftools object. |
Import MAF annotations. |
Import VEP annotations. |
mCNAqc processingFunctions to create and process mCNAqc objects. |
Create multisample segmentation |
Plot multisample cna data |
Get mCNAqc statistics |
get desidered samples |
get sample names from CNAqc and mCNAqc objects |
Plot for class |
Print for class |