A single CNAqc object for which MAF annotations have been added using function
, can be converted as an object for the Bioconductor
package [maftools](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/maftools.html).
The export will use only driver mutations data or all the annotated mutations, depending on the input flag `only_drivers`. Moreover, CNAqc copy number states of a list of desired genes can also be augmented to the [maftools](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/maftools.html) object.
only_drivers = TRUE,
CNA_genes = NULL,
cross_reference = TRUE,
assembly = TRUE
a "maftools"
function augment_with_maf
to add MAF annotations to a
CNAqc object, to be used before running `as_maftools_obj`.
# Create your CNAqc object (omissis here) from an original "file.vcf"
x = init(mutations = ..., cna = ..., purity = ...)
# Offline, create your MAF annotations as file "file_vcf.maf" from "file.vcf"
# vcf2maf file.vcf .... file_vcf.maf
# Import into R/CNAqc
x = augment_with_maf(x, maf = "file_vcf.maf")
# Extraction
x %>% as_maftools_obj