Example CNAqc dataset.



A list of SNVs, allele-specific copy number alterations (CNAs) and purity value that can be used with CNAqc. This tumour does not contain subclonal CNAs.


#> $mutations
#> # A tibble: 12,963 × 13
#>    chr      from      to ref   alt   FILTER    DP    NV    VAF ANNOVAR_FUNCTION
#>    <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>           
#>  1 chr1  1027104 1027105 T     G     PASS      60     6 0.1    UTR5            
#>  2 chr1  2248588 2248589 A     C     PASS     127     9 0.0709 intergenic      
#>  3 chr1  2461999 2462000 G     A     PASS     156    65 0.417  upstream        
#>  4 chr1  2727935 2727936 T     C     PASS     180    90 0.5    downstream      
#>  5 chr1  2763397 2763398 C     T     PASS     183    61 0.333  intergenic      
#>  6 chr1  2768208 2768209 C     T     PASS     203   130 0.640  intergenic      
#>  7 chr1  2935590 2935591 C     T     PASS     228   132 0.579  intergenic      
#>  8 chr1  2980032 2980033 C     T     PASS     196    85 0.434  ncRNA_exonic    
#>  9 chr1  3387161 3387162 T     G     PASS     124     6 0.0484 intronic        
#> 10 chr1  3502517 3502518 G     A     PASS      88    10 0.114  intronic        
#> # ℹ 12,953 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: GENE <chr>, is_driver <lgl>, driver_label <chr>
#> $cna
#> # A tibble: 267 × 7
#>    chr       from       to  length covRatio Major minor
#>    <chr>    <int>    <int>   <int>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 chr1    840009  1689987  849979     1.19     3     2
#>  2 chr1   1689988  1815015  125028     1.26     3     2
#>  3 chr1   1815016  9799969 7984954     1.19     3     2
#>  4 chr1  10479910 12079917 1600008     1.19     3     2
#>  5 chr1  12079917 12154980   75064     1.24     3     2
#>  6 chr1  12154981 12839977  684997     1.19     3     2
#>  7 chr1  13780016 17790026 4010011     1.19     3     2
#>  8 chr1  17849962 21080067 3230106     1.19     3     2
#>  9 chr1  21080068 21559998  479931     1.26     3     2
#> 10 chr1  21559998 24830001 3270004     1.19     3     2
#> # ℹ 257 more rows
#> $purity
#> [1] 0.89
#> $reference
#> [1] "hg19"