An icon is a small circular plot with no legend or axis, which shows simple clonal CNAs.
A `ggplot2` plot.
data('example_dataset_CNAqc', package = 'CNAqc')
x = init(mutations = example_dataset_CNAqc$mutations, cna = example_dataset_CNAqc$cna, purity = example_dataset_CNAqc$purity)
#> ── CNAqc - CNA Quality Check ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ Using reference genome coordinates for: GRCh38.
#> ✔ Found annotated driver mutations: TTN, CTCF, and TP53.
#> ✔ Fortified calls for 12963 somatic mutations: 12963 SNVs (100%) and 0 indels.
#> ! CNAs have no CCF, assuming clonal CNAs (CCF = 1).
#> ✔ Fortified CNAs for 267 segments: 267 clonal and 0 subclonal.
#> ✔ 12963 mutations mapped to clonal CNAs.