Coordinates for GRCm38 chromosomes.
A tibble that represents the coordinates for GRCm38 genome assembly, reporting the chromosome label, from and to (chromosome range), the length of the chromosome, the position (start and end) of the centromers.
#> Warning: data set ‘chr_coordinates_GRCm38’ not found
#> # A tibble: 21 × 6
#> chr length from to centromerStart centromerEnd
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 chr1 195471971 0 195471971 110000 3000000
#> 2 chr2 182113224 195471971 377585195 195581971 198471971
#> 3 chr3 160039680 377585195 537624875 377695195 380585195
#> 4 chr4 156508116 537624875 694132991 537734875 540624875
#> 5 chr5 151834684 694132991 845967675 694242991 697132991
#> 6 chr6 149736546 845967675 995704221 846077675 848967675
#> 7 chr7 145441459 995704221 1141145680 995814221 998704221
#> 8 chr8 129401213 1141145680 1270546893 1141255680 1144145680
#> 9 chr9 124595110 1270546893 1395142003 1270656893 1273546893
#> 10 chr10 130694993 1395142003 1525836996 1395252003 1398142003
#> # ℹ 11 more rows