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The fit function in the tickTack package estimates the timing of clonal peaks in cancer genome sequencing data. This vignette describes the functionality of the fit function, including input requirements, output, and an example analysis using the tickTack::pcawg_example dataset.

Overview of the fit Function

The fit function uses either a beta-binomial or binomial model to fit clonal peaks in sequencing data. It identifies segments of the genome with specific karyotypes and mutations that meet the input criteria, then estimates the timing of clonal expansions.

Key Parameters

  • segments: A data frame with segment information, including chr, from, to, Major, and minor.
  • mutations: A data frame with mutation data, including chr, from, to, DP, and NV.
  • purity: Tumor purity as a numeric value.
  • possible_k: A character vector of possible karyotypes, defaulting to c("2:1", "2:2", "2:0").
  • alpha: Significance level, defaulting to 0.05.
  • min_mutations_number: Minimum number of mutations required for analysis, defaulting to 2.
  • beta_binomial: Logical flag to use the beta-binomial model, default is FALSE.
  • beta_binomial_disp: Dispersion parameter for the beta-binomial model, default is 0.01.


The function returns a list containing:

  1. inference_results: Detailed timing estimates for each segment.
  2. summarized_results: Summary statistics for the estimated timing of clonal peaks.

If no segments meet the criteria, the function returns NULL.

Analyzing tickTack::pcawg_example

We will use the tickTack::pcawg_example dataset to demonstrate how to use the fit function.

Input Data

The tickTack::pcawg_example dataset contains three components:

  • mutations: Mutation data.
  • cna: Copy number alterations (CNA).
  • metadata: Sample metadata, including tumor purity.

Preview the data:


# View example dataset components
mutations <- tickTack::pcawg_example$mutations
cna <- tickTack::pcawg_example$cna
metadata <- tickTack::pcawg_example$metadata

##    chr    from      to ref alt  DP NV       VAF
## 1 chr1 1015594 1015594   C   C  99 16 0.1616162
## 2 chr1 1866371 1866371   C   C 250 67 0.2680000
## 3 chr1 1921712 1921712   C   C  62 20 0.3225806
## 4 chr1 2049858 2049858   G   G 118 15 0.1271186
## 5 chr1 2357842 2357842   C   C  84 12 0.1428571
## 6 chr1 2771915 2771915   G   G  90 27 0.3000000
##                                 sample
## 1 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
## 2 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
## 3 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
## 4 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
## 5 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
## 6 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7
##    chr     from        to Major minor       CCF total_cn
## 1 chr1    10001    790008     2     2 1.0000000        4
## 2 chr1   790009  13212499     2     2 1.0000000        4
## 3 chr1 13212500  33458785     2     2 1.0000000        4
## 4 chr1 33458786  33564126     2     2 0.1943769        4
## 5 chr1 33564127  56834601     2     2 1.0000000        4
## 6 chr1 56834602 121499999     2     2 1.0000000        4
##                                 sample purity ploidy purity_conf_mad wgd_status
## 1 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6b8c8019a7c7  0.406  4.082           0.009        wgd
##   wgd_uncertain
## 1         FALSE

Running the fit function

We can run the fit function on the tickTack::pcawg_example data to infer the timing of clonal peaks

# Extract input data
segments <- tickTack::pcawg_example$cna
mutations <- tickTack::pcawg_example$mutations
purity <- tickTack::pcawg_example$metadata$purity

# Run the fit function
results <- fit(
  segments = segments,
  mutations = mutations,
  purity = purity,
  possible_k = c("2:1", "2:2", "2:0"),
  beta_binomial = TRUE


The results object contains two components: inference_results and summarized_results. We can inspect these to understand the timing of clonal peaks:

# View summarized results
## # A tibble: 72 × 7
##    tau_low tau_mean tau_high segment karyotype chr   segment_id              
##      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <int> <chr>     <chr> <chr>                   
##  1   0.807    0.890    0.952       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499    
##  2   0.842    0.912    0.963       3 2:2       chr1  chr1_13212500_33458785  
##  3   0.817    0.888    0.942       5 2:2       chr1  chr1_33564127_56834601  
##  4   0.862    0.902    0.935       6 2:2       chr1  chr1_56834602_121499999 
##  5   0.402    0.684    0.888      10 2:2       chr1  chr1_143277461_149255831
##  6   0.808    0.866    0.914      11 2:2       chr1  chr1_149255832_196892499
##  7   0.810    0.863    0.909      12 2:2       chr1  chr1_196892500_247247500
##  8   0.547    0.792    0.947      13 2:2       chr1  chr1_247247501_249250620
##  9   0.768    0.825    0.876      30 2:2       chr4  chr4_74473_48199999     
## 10   0.458    0.767    0.955      31 2:2       chr4  chr4_48200000_52699999  
## # ℹ 62 more rows
# View detailed inference results
## # A tibble: 1,152,000 × 5
##      tau segment karyotype chr   segment_id          
##    <dbl>   <int> <chr>     <chr> <chr>               
##  1 0.880       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  2 0.845       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  3 0.891       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  4 0.923       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  5 0.834       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  6 0.916       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  7 0.897       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  8 0.909       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
##  9 0.826       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
## 10 0.869       2 2:2       chr1  chr1_790009_13212499
## # ℹ 1,151,990 more rows

Interpreting the output

  • inference_results: Contains posterior distributions of timing estimates (tau) for each segment.
  • summarized_results: Provides the mean, lower bound, and upper bound of the timing estimates for each segment.

Visulizing the output

The results can be viewed is genome-wise perspective using the tickTack::plot_timing function

tickTack::plot_timing(results, segments, colour_by = "karyotype")