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#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

The tickTack package provides tools for timing the occurrence of copy number alterations (CNA). This vignette introduces the structure of the input data required for tickTack functions, using the example dataset tickTack::pcawg_example.

Input Data Structure

The input data consists of three components stored as named elements in a list: mutations, cna, and metadata. Below is a description of each component.

1. Mutations

The mutations component is a tibble containing information about somatic mutations. Each row represents a mutation, with the following columns:

  • chr: Chromosome where the mutation occurs.
  • from and to: Start and end positions of the mutation on the chromosome.
  • ref and alt: Reference and alternate alleles.
  • DP: Depth of sequencing coverage at the mutation site.
  • NV: Number of reads supporting the variant.
  • VAF: Variant allele frequency, calculated as NV / DP.
  • sample: Unique identifier for the sample.

For example, the first few rows of mutations look like this:

tickTack::pcawg_example$mutations %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   chr      from      to ref   alt      DP    NV   VAF sample                    
#>   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                     
#> 1 chr1  1015594 1015594 C     C        99    16 0.162 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…
#> 2 chr1  1866371 1866371 C     C       250    67 0.268 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…
#> 3 chr1  1921712 1921712 C     C        62    20 0.323 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…
#> 4 chr1  2049858 2049858 G     G       118    15 0.127 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…
#> 5 chr1  2357842 2357842 C     C        84    12 0.143 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…
#> 6 chr1  2771915 2771915 G     G        90    27 0.3   00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb46-6…

2. Copy Number Alterations (CNA)

The cna component is a tibble that describes regions of the genome with alterations in copy number. Each row represents a genomic segment, with the following columns:

  • chr: Chromosome of the segment.
  • from and to: Start and end positions of the segment.
  • Major and minor: Major and minor allele copy numbers.
  • CCF Cancer cell fraction for the segment.
  • total_cn: Total copy number (sum of Major and minor).

Here is the preview of the cna data:

tickTack::pcawg_example$cna %>% head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   chr       from        to Major minor   CCF total_cn
#>   <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 chr1     10001    790008     2     2 1            4
#> 2 chr1    790009  13212499     2     2 1            4
#> 3 chr1  13212500  33458785     2     2 1            4
#> 4 chr1  33458786  33564126     2     2 0.194        4
#> 5 chr1  33564127  56834601     2     2 1            4
#> 6 chr1  56834602 121499999     2     2 1            4

3. Metadata

The metadata component is a tibble containing sample-level information, with the following columns:

  • sample: Unique identifier for the sample.
  • purity: Tumor purity, representing the proportion of cancer cells in the sample.
  • ploidy: Average ploidy of the sample.
  • purity_conf_mad: Confidence interval for the purity estimate.
  • wgd_status: Whole genome doubling status (e.g., wgd or no wgd).
  • wgd_uncertain: Logical indicating uncertainty in the wgd_status.

An example of the metadata is shown below:

#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   sample                  purity ploidy purity_conf_mad wgd_status wgd_uncertain
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>  <dbl>           <dbl> <chr>      <lgl>        
#> 1 00db1b95-8ca3-4cc4-bb4…  0.406   4.08           0.009 wgd        FALSE

Types of Copy Number Alterations (CNAs)

The cna component can include different types of copy number segments, categorized as follows:

Clonal Simple CNAs

These are straightforward alterations with specific copy number configurations:

  • 1:0: Loss of heterozygosity (LOH).
  • 2:0: Copy neutral LOH.
  • 1:1: Diploid heterozygous (assumed to be the normal reference).
  • 2:1: Trisomy.
  • 2:2: Tetraploidy.

Clonal Complex and Subclonal CNAs

Clonal complex CNAs include any clonal CNA that is not considered simple. On the other hand, subclonal CNAs involve a mixture of two subclones, where each subclone is defined by a simple CNA.

Timing Eligibility

Only clonal CNAs with specific configurations can be timed:

  • 2:1: Trisomy.
  • 2:0: Copy neutral LOH.
  • 2:2: Tetraploidy.

Note : Only clonal CNAs are accepted by tickTack. Subclonal CNAs or other complex configurations are not supported for timing analysis.

Reference genome coordinates

tickTack uses a genome coordinates reference system to convert relative relative to absolute coordinates, a step required to plot segments across the whole genome. For instance, if a mutation maps to position 100100 of chromosome chr2, its absolute coordinate is 100+L100 + L where LL is the length of chr1. The reference system adopted by tickTack needs therefore to report the length of each chromosome, plus the information regarding the boundary of each centromere.

Note: mapping of mutations onto segments is independent of the reference genome, and it will work as far as both mutation and CNA segments are mapped to the same reference.

tickTack supports two coordinates reference genomes:

  • hg19 or GRCh37;
  • hg38 or GRCh38 (default),

for which two dataframes are stored inside the package.

#> # A tibble: 24 × 6
#>    chr      length       from         to centromerStart centromerEnd
#>    <chr>     <int>      <dbl>      <dbl>          <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1 chr1  249250621          0  249250621      121535434    124535434
#>  2 chr2  243199373  249250621  492449994      341576792    344576792
#>  3 chr3  198022430  492449994  690472424      582954848    585954848
#>  4 chr4  191154276  690472424  881626700      740132541    743132541
#>  5 chr5  180915260  881626700 1062541960      928032341    931032341
#>  6 chr6  171115067 1062541960 1233657027     1121372126   1124372126
#>  7 chr7  159138663 1233657027 1392795690     1291711358   1294711358
#>  8 chr8  146364022 1392795690 1539159712     1436634577   1439634577
#>  9 chr9  141213431 1539159712 1680373143     1586527391   1589527391
#> 10 chr10 135534747 1680373143 1815907890     1719628078   1722628078
#> # ℹ 14 more rows

#> # A tibble: 24 × 6
#>    chr      length       from         to centromerStart centromerEnd
#>    <chr>     <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>          <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1 chr1  248956422          0  248956422      122026459    124849229
#>  2 chr2  242193529  248956422  491149951      341144567    341144567
#>  3 chr3  198295559  491149951  689445510      581922409    582703370
#>  4 chr4  190214555  689445510  879660065      739157571    739157571
#>  5 chr5  181538259  879660065 1061198324      926145965    929381368
#>  6 chr6  170805979 1061198324 1232004303     1119752212   1119752212
#>  7 chr7  159345973 1232004303 1391350276     1290173956   1293382091
#>  8 chr8  145138636 1391350276 1536488912     1435384020   1435384020
#>  9 chr9  138394717 1536488912 1674883629     1579878547   1579878547
#> 10 chr10 133797422 1674883629 1808681051     1714570311   1716429449
#> # ℹ 14 more rows