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This vignette delves into how the tickTack package obtains timing results for clonal peaks using the fit function. It explains the underlying processes, including the computation of clonal peaks and the Stan model used for inference.

Key Components of the Analysis

The timing results are obtained in the following steps:

  1. Extracting clonal peaks: Theoretical peaks in the Variant Allele Frequency (VAF) spectrum are calculated for specific karyotypes and tumor purity.
  2. Filtering mutations: Mutations within confidence intervals around these peaks are selected for analysis.
  3. Fitting the model: Bayesian inference is performed using a Stan model to estimate the timing of clonal expansions.

Step 1: Calculating Clonal Peaks

The clonal peaks are calculated using the get_clonal_peaks function. The function computes the theoretical VAF peaks based on the karyotype and tumor purity. They are computed using the following equation:

Peaki=MiP(NtotP)+2(1P) \text{Peak}_i = \frac{M_i \cdot P}{(N_{\text{tot}} \cdot P) + 2 \cdot (1 - P)}


  • MiM_i: The multiplicity of the allele of interest (e.g., the major allele or a single copy for heterozygosity).
  • PP: The tumor purity (a value between 0 and 1).
  • NtotN_{\text{tot}}: The total number of copies in the karyotype (e.g., sum of the major and minor alleles).
  • 22: Accounts for the two copies in normal diploid cells.


  • The numerator, MiPM_i \cdot P, represents the contribution of the tumor cell’s allele multiplicity adjusted for tumor purity.
  • The denominator, (NtotP)+2(1P)(N_{\text{tot}} \cdot P) + 2 \cdot (1 - P), normalizes the peak to account for contributions from both tumor and normal diploid cells in the sample.

Example Calculation

For a karyotype k=2:1k = \text{2:1} (major allele = 2, minor allele = 1) and tumor purity P=0.4P = 0.4:

  1. Ntot=2+1=3N_{\text{tot}} = 2 + 1 = 3.

  2. Compute peaks for Mi=1M_i = 1 (single allele) and Mi=2M_i = 2 (major allele)

    Peak1=10.4(30.4)+2(10.4)=0.41.2+1.2=0.1667 \text{Peak}_1 = \frac{1 \cdot 0.4}{(3 \cdot 0.4) + 2 \cdot (1 - 0.4)} = \frac{0.4}{1.2 + 1.2} = 0.1667 Peak2=20.4(30.4)+2(10.4)=0.81.2+1.2=0.3333 \text{Peak}_2 = \frac{2 \cdot 0.4}{(3 \cdot 0.4) + 2 \cdot (1 - 0.4)} = \frac{0.8}{1.2 + 1.2} = 0.3333

Step 2: Filtering Mutations

Once the peaks are obtained, mutations within a genomic segment are filtered based on whether their VAF values fall within a confidence interval around these peaks.

The confidence intervals are computed using either:

  • Binomial distribution: for standard VAF estimation
  • Beta-binomial distribution: to account for overdispersion

Filtering logic

For each mutation, the number of variant reads (NV) is compared to the confidence interval calculated for the depth (DP) at each peak:

# Example pseudo-code for filtering
probs <- c(alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2)
for (p in peaks) {
  quantiles <- qbinom(probs, DP, p) # or qbb for beta-binomial
  if (NV >= quantiles[1] && NV <= quantiles[2]) {
    # Mutation is accepted

Only mutations passing this test are used for model fitting.

Step 3: Bayesian Inference with Stan

The final step is to fit a Stan model to the filtered mutations. The model estimates the posterior distribution of tau, which represents the timing of clonal expansions.

The stan code used for the model is divided in the following pieces.

Data block

data {
  int N;
  array[N] int NV;
  array[N] int DP;

  array[2] real peaks;

Here, the data block defines inputs that the model uses:

  • N: Total number of mutations to analyze.
  • NV: Number of variant reads observed for each mutation.
  • DP: Total sequencing depth for each mutation.
  • peaks: An array of two real values representing the theoretical clonal peaks (e.g., 2:1 and 2:2 ratios or other hypothesized clonal frequencies).

Parameters block

parameters {
  simplex[2] omega;

The parameters block contains:

  • omega: A vector representing the probability contributions of each theoretical peak. It follows a Dirichlet distribution (a standard approach for modeling probabilities that sum to 1).

Model block

model {
  vector[2] contributions;

  omega ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(2.0, 2));
  for (i in 1:N) {
    for (k in 1:2) {
      contributions[k] = log(omega[k]) + binomial_lpmf(NV[i] | DP[i], peaks[k]);
    target += log_sum_exp(contributions);

The model block contains three components:

  • Prior: The line omega ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(2.0, 2)); applies a uniform Dirichlet prior to the karyotype mixture probabilities (omega). This means that we do not a priori favor one clonal peak over the other unless there is data evidence.
  • Likelihood: The likelihood is computed using the binomial_lpmf(NV[i] | DP[i], peaks[k]) (or the Negative binomial). This term computes the probability of observing NV[i] variant reads given sequencing depth DP[i] and a given theoretical clonal peak value peaks[k].
  • Marginalization: The line log_sum_exp(contributions) computes the log marginal likelihood by summing over possible contributions (karyotypes) using the softmax approach, allowing the model to integrate over possible karyotype contributions (omega).

Final Step: Conversion from omega to tau

After fitting the Bayesian model, the posterior probabilities (omega) represent the contribution of theoretical clonal peaks. We convert these probabilities into clonal timing estimates (tau) using the following equations.

For 2:1 karyotypes:

τ=3ω22ω2+ω1 \tau = \frac{3\omega_2}{2\omega_2 + \omega_1}

For 2:2 and 2:0 karyotypes:

τ=2ω22ω2+ω1 \tau = \frac{2\omega_2}{2\omega_2 + \omega_1}