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Disclaimer: RACES/rRACES internally implements the probability distributions using the C++11 random number distribution classes whose algorithms are not defined by the standard. Thus, the simulation depends on the compiler used to compile rRACES, and because of that, the results reported in this article may differ from those obtained by the reader.

Once one has familiarised on how a tumour evolution simulation can be programmed using rRACES (see vignette("tissue_simulation")), the next step is to augment the simulation with sampling of tumour cells. This mimics a realistic experimental design where we gather tumour sequencing data.

This vignette introduces sampling using different type of models; starting from simpler up to more complex simulation scenarios we consider:

  • multi-region sampling: where at every time point multiple spatially-separated samples are collected;

  • longitudinal sampling: where the sampling is repeated at multiple time-points.

Custom multi-region sampling

We consider a simple monoclonal model, without epimutants.


# set the seed of the random number generator

# Monoclonal model, no epimutants
sim <- SpatialSimulation("Monoclonal")

sim$add_mutant(name = "A", growth_rates = 0.1, death_rates = 0.01)

sim$place_cell("A", 500, 500)
sim$run_up_to_size("A", 60000)
#>  [███████████████████████████████████-----] 85% [00m:00s] Cells: 51160 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot
current <- plot_tissue(sim)

A sample is defined by a name and a bounding box, which has a (x,y)(x,y) coordinate for the bottom left point, and for the top right point.

For this simulation, we define two samples with names "S_1_2" and "S_1_2".

# We collect a squared box of (bbox_width x bbox_width) cells
bbox_width <- 50

# Box A1
bbox1_p <- c(400, 400)
bbox1_q <- bbox1_p + bbox_width

# Box B1
bbox2_p <- c(500, 500)
bbox2_q <- bbox2_p + bbox_width


# View the boxes
current +
  geom_rect(xmin = bbox1_p[1], xmax = bbox1_q[2],
            ymin = bbox1_p[1], ymax = bbox1_q[2],
            fill = NA, color = "black") +
  geom_rect(xmin = bbox2_p[1], xmax = bbox2_q[2],
            ymin = bbox2_p[1], ymax = bbox2_q[2],
            fill = NA, color = "black")

# Sampling
sim$sample_cells("S_1_1", bottom_left = bbox1_p, top_right = bbox1_q)
sim$sample_cells("S_1_2", bottom_left = bbox2_p, top_right = bbox2_q)

Note: Sampling removes cells from the tissue, as if the tissue was surgically resected. Therefore, cells that are mapped to the bounding box after application of SpatialSimulation$sample_cells() are no longer part of the simulation.

A new call to plot_tissue() will show the box where the cells have been removed to be white.

This is also reflected by SpatialSimulation$get_cells(), which now will not find any tumour cell in the sampled region.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# This should be empty
sim$get_cells(c(400, 400), c(400 + bbox_width, 400 + bbox_width)) %>% head
#> [1] cell_id    mutant     epistate   position_x position_y
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

It should also be remarked that the sampling process exclusively collects tumour cells, while it excludes wild-type cells.

Cell division tree for sampled cells

Every sampled cell is linked, at the evolutionary level, to the other cells that originate from the same initial cell. It helps to visualise the evolutionary information on the cells that we have sampled as a forest of trees (if one seeded multiple initial cells). The forest is an object of the S4 class SamplesForest.

forest <- sim$get_samples_forest()

#> SamplesForest
#>   # of trees: 1
#>   # of nodes: 18255
#>   # of leaves: 5181
#>   samples: {"S_1_1", "S_1_2"}

The forest has methods to obtain the nodes of the sampled cells.

forest$get_nodes() %>% head
#>   cell_id ancestor mutant epistate sample birth_time
#> 1       0       NA      A            <NA>   0.000000
#> 2       1        0      A            <NA>   5.741436
#> 3       2        0      A            <NA>   5.741436
#> 4       3        2      A            <NA>   8.545185
#> 5       4        2      A            <NA>   8.545185
#> 6       5        1      A            <NA>  11.583620

The leaves of the forest are sampled cells, while the internal nodes are their ancestors. The field sample is not available for internal nodes, and reports the sample name otherwise.

# The leaves in the forest represent sampled cells
forest$get_nodes() %>%
  filter(!$sample)) %>%
#>   cell_id ancestor mutant epistate sample birth_time
#> 1   14350     3768      A           S_1_2   181.9186
#> 2   18621    14799      A           S_1_2   197.6872
#> 3   21101     3988      A           S_1_2   205.8270
#> 4   26307    18963      A           S_1_2   220.3426
#> 5   27246    22386      A           S_1_2   222.8447
#> 6   27814    17642      A           S_1_1   224.2599

The roots of the forest having no ancestors.

# If it is one cell, than the forest is a tree
forest$get_nodes() %>%
#>   cell_id ancestor mutant epistate sample birth_time
#> 1       0       NA      A            <NA>          0

We can also query the forest about the samples used to build it.

#>    name id xmin ymin xmax ymax tumour_cells tumour_cells_in_bbox     time
#> 1 S_1_1  0  400  400  450  450         2588                 2588 397.0568
#> 2 S_1_2  1  500  500  550  550         2593                 2593 397.0568

We can visualise the forest. This plot reports the cells and, on the y-axis, their time of birth.


The plot shows also samples annotations and species but, for a large number of cells, it might be complicated to view the full tree, unless a very large canvas is used. For this reaason, it is possible to subset the tree.

# Extract the subforest linked to sample
S_1_1_forest <- forest$get_subforest_for("S_1_1")


In general, these plots can be annotated with extra information, such as the sampling times, and the MRCAs of each sample in the tree.

# Full plot
plot_forest(forest) %>%

# S_1_1 plot
plot_forest(S_1_1_forest) %>%

Randomised multi-region samples

# set the seed of the random number generator

sim <- SpatialSimulation("Randomised")

sim$add_mutant(name = "A", growth_rates = 0.1, death_rates = 0.01)

sim$place_cell("A", 500, 500)
sim$run_up_to_size("A", 60000)
#>  [█████████████████████████████████-------] 81% [00m:00s] Cells: 48656 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot

We include a new mutant and let it grow. This new mutant has much higher growth rates than its ancestor.

# Add a new mutant
sim$add_mutant(name = "B", growth_rates = 1, death_rates = 0.01)
sim$mutate_progeny(sim$choose_cell_in("A"), "B")

sim$run_up_to_size("B", 10000)
#>  [█████████████████████████████-----------] 71% [00m:00s] Cells: 99536 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot

current <- plot_tissue(sim)

Since mutant start has been randomised by SpatialSimulation$choose_cell_in(), we have no exact idea of where to sample to obtain for example, 100100 of its cells. We can look visually at the simulation, but this is slow.

rRACES provides a SpatialSimulation$search_sample() function to sample bounding boxes that contain a desired number of cells. The function takes in input:

  • a bounding box size;
  • the number nn of cells to sample for a species of interest.

SpatialSimulation$search_sample() will attempt a fixed number of times to sample the box, starting from positions occupied by the species of interest. If a box that contains at least nn cells is not found within a number of attempts, then the one with the largest number of samples is returned.

This allows to program sampling without having a clear idea of the tissue conformation.

# A bounding box 50x50 with at least 100 cells of species B
n_w <- n_h <- 50
ncells <- 0.8 * n_w * n_h

# Sampling ncells with random box sampling of boxes of size n_w x n_h
bbox <- sim$search_sample(c("B" = ncells), n_w, n_h)

# plot the bounding box
current +
  geom_rect(xmin = bbox$lower_corner[1], xmax = bbox$upper_corner[1],
            ymin = bbox$lower_corner[2], ymax = bbox$upper_corner[2],
            fill = NA, color = "black")

# sample the tissue
sim$sample_cells("S_2_1", bbox$lower_corner, bbox$upper_corner)

Something similar with species A.

bbox <- sim$search_sample(c("A" = ncells), n_w, n_h)

# plot the bounding box
current +
  geom_rect(xmin = bbox$lower_corner[1], xmax = bbox$upper_corner[1],
            ymin = bbox$lower_corner[2], ymax = bbox$upper_corner[2],
            fill = NA, color = "black")

# sample the tissue
sim$sample_cells("S_2_2", bbox$lower_corner, bbox$upper_corner)

The two samples have been extracted.

Cell division tree.

forest <- sim$get_samples_forest()

plot_forest(forest) %>%

Randomised cell sampling (Liquid biopsy)

rRACES supports randomized cell sampling over the full tissue or a rectangle thereof.

# collect up to 2500 tumour cells randomly selected over the whole tissue
sim$sample_cells("S_2_3", num_of_cells = 2500)

bbox <- sim$search_sample(c("A" = ncells), n_w, n_h)

# collect up to 200 tumour cells randomly selected in the provided
# bounding box
sim$sample_cells("S_2_4", bbox$lower_corner, bbox$upper_corner, 200)

forest <- sim$get_samples_forest()

plot_forest(forest) %>%

Two populations with epigenetic state

We are now ready to simulate a model with epigenetic switches and subclonal expansions.

# set the seed of the random number generator

sim <- SpatialSimulation("Two Populations")

sim$death_activation_level <- 20

# First mutant
sim$add_mutant(name = "A",
               epigenetic_rates = c("+-" = 0.01, "-+" = 0.01),
               growth_rates = c("+" = 0.1, "-" = 0.08),
               death_rates = c("+" = 0.1, "-" = 0.01))

sim$place_cell("A+", 500, 500)
sim$run_up_to_size("A+", 1000)
#>  [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot
plot_tissue(sim, num_of_bins = 500)

We sample before introducing a new mutant.

bbox_width <- 10

                 bottom_left = c(480, 480),
                 top_right = c(480 + bbox_width, 480 + bbox_width))

                 bottom_left = c(500, 500),
                 top_right = c(500 + bbox_width, 500 + bbox_width))

plot_tissue(sim, num_of_bins = 500)

# Let it grow a bit more
sim$run_up_to_time(sim$get_clock() + 15)
#>  [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot

plot_tissue(sim, num_of_bins = 500)

Add a new submutant.

cell <- sim$choose_cell_in("A")

sim$add_mutant(name = "B",
               epigenetic_rates = c("+-" = 0.05, "-+" = 0.1),
               growth_rates = c("+" = 0.8, "-" = 0.3),
               death_rates = c("+" = 0.05, "-" = 0.05))

sim$mutate_progeny(cell, "B")

# let it grow more time units
sim$run_up_to_size("B+", 7000)
#>  [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot

plot_tissue(sim, num_of_bins = 500)

Sample again and plot the tissue

n_w <- n_h <- 25
ncells <- 0.9 * n_w * n_h

bbox <- sim$search_sample(c("A" = ncells), n_w, n_h)
sim$sample_cells("S_2_1", bbox$lower_corner, bbox$upper_corner)

bbox <- sim$search_sample(c("B" = ncells), n_w, n_h)
sim$sample_cells("S_2_2", bbox$lower_corner, bbox$upper_corner)

plot_tissue(sim, num_of_bins = 500)

Now we show the cell division tree, which starts being rather complicated

forest <- sim$get_samples_forest()

plot_forest(forest) %>%

Storing Samples Forests

A samples forest can be saved in a file by using the method SamplesForest$save().

# check the file existence. It should not exists.
#> [1] FALSE

# save the samples forest in the file "samples_forest.sff"

# check the file existence. It now exists.
#> [1] TRUE

The saved samples forest can successively be load by using the function load_samples_forest().

# load the samples forest from "samples_forest.sff" and store it in `forest2`
forest2 <- load_samples_forest("samples_forest.sff")

# let us now compare the samples forests stored in `forest` and `forest2`;
# they should be the same.
#> SamplesForest
#>   # of trees: 1
#>   # of nodes: 5494
#>   # of leaves: 1390
#>   samples: {"S_1_1", "S_1_2", "S_2_1", "S_2_2"}
#> SamplesForest
#>   # of trees: 1
#>   # of nodes: 5494
#>   # of leaves: 1390
#>   samples: {"S_1_1", "S_1_2", "S_2_1", "S_2_2"}