Computing dnds values

mobster interfaces with the dndscv R package to compute dN/dS values from its output clusters. The method implemented in dndscv is described in Martincorena, et al. “Universal patterns of selection in cancer and somatic tissues”, Cell 171.5 (2017): 1029-1041; PMID 29056346).

Requirements. In order to be able to compute dN/dS values mutations data must store their genomic coordinates:

  • chromosome location chrom,
  • position from,
  • reference alleles alt and ref.

Besides, it is important to know what is the reference genome used to align the genome; this information will be used by dndscv to annotate input mutations.

We show this analysis with the fits for one of the lung samples available in the package.

fit = mobster::LUFF76_lung_sample

# Print and plot the model
#> ── [ MOBSTER ]  n = 2298 with k = 1 Beta(s) and a tail ─────────────────────────
#> ● Clusters: π = 50% [Tail] and 50% [C1], with π > 0.
#> ● Tail [n = 1076, 50%] with alpha = 2.
#> ● Beta C1 [n = 1222, 50%] with mean = 0.25.
#> ℹ Score(s): NLL = -3095.24; ICL = -5784.22 (-6144.04), H = 359.82 (0). Fit
#> converged by MM in 51 steps.

We compute the values using the clustering assignments from the best fit.

clusters = Clusters(fit$best)
#> # A tibble: 2,298 x 14
#>      Key Callers t_alt_count t_ref_count Variant_Classif…    DP    VAF chr  
#>    <int> <chr>         <int>       <int> <chr>            <int>  <dbl> <chr>
#>  1   330 mutect…          23         149 intergenic         172 0.134  chr2 
#>  2   331 mutect…          53         133 intergenic         186 0.285  chr2 
#>  3   332 mutect…           8         132 intergenic         140 0.0571 chr2 
#>  4   334 mutect…          26         112 intergenic         138 0.188  chr2 
#>  5   335 mutect…          40         102 intronic           142 0.282  chr2 
#>  6   336 mutect…          32          95 intronic           127 0.252  chr2 
#>  7   337 mutect…          28         134 intergenic         162 0.173  chr2 
#>  8   338 mutect…          14         148 intergenic         162 0.0864 chr2 
#>  9   339 mutect…          11         108 intronic           119 0.0924 chr2 
#> 10   340 mutect…          11         171 intergenic         182 0.0604 chr2 
#> # … with 2,288 more rows, and 6 more variables: from <chr>, ref <chr>,
#> #   alt <chr>, cluster <chr>, Tail <dbl>, C1 <dbl>

The available clusters are C1 and Tail; C1 is the clonal cluster. We compute dN/dS with the default parameters.

# Run by cluster and default gene list
dnds_stats = dnds(
  gene_list = NULL
#> Missing 'sample' column, assuming mutations from a single patient (adding a sample label otherwise).
#> ℹ 2298 mutations; 'by cluster' groups in 0 samples, with no genes (default dndscv).
#> [refdb = hg19] Removing chr from chromosome names for hg19 reference compatability
#>   C1 Tail 
#> 1222 1076
#> ── Running dndscv ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Group Tail
#> [1] Loading the environment...
#> [2] Annotating the mutations...
#> [3] Estimating global rates...
#> [4] Running dNdSloc...
#> [5] Running dNdScv...
#>     Regression model for substitutions (theta = 6.69e-05).
#> ── Group C1
#> [1] Loading the environment...
#> [2] Annotating the mutations...
#> [3] Estimating global rates...
#> [4] Running dNdSloc...
#> [5] Running dNdScv...
#> dndscv error
#> Error in while ((it <- it + 1) < limit && abs(del) > eps) {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
#> ── dndscv results ────────────────────────────── wall, wmis, wnon, wspl, wtru ──
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   name            mle cilow cihigh dnds_group
#>   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     
#> 1 wmis  0.731         0.113   4.73 Tail      
#> 2 wnon  0.00000000804 0     Inf    Tail      
#> 3 wspl  0.0000000260  0     Inf    Tail      
#> 4 wtru  0.0000000170  0     Inf    Tail      
#> 5 wall  0.701         0.109   4.51 Tail

The statistics can be computed for a custom grouping of the clusters. Here it does not make much difference because we have only the clonal cluster, and the tail; but if we had one subclone C2 we could have pooled together the mutations in the clones using

# Not run here
dnds_stats = dnds(
  mapping = c(`C1` = 'Non-tail', `C2` = 'Non-tail', `Tail` = 'Tail'),
  gene_list = NULL

In the above analysis we have run dndscv using the default gene list (gene_list = NULL). Notice that errors raised by dndscv are intercepted by mobster; some of this errors might originate from a dataset with not enough substitutions to compute dN/dS.

The call returns:

  • the table computed by dndscv, where column dnds_group labels the group.
  • a ggplot plot of the point estimates and the confidence interval;
# Summary statistics
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   name            mle cilow cihigh dnds_group
#>   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     
#> 1 wmis  0.731         0.113   4.73 Tail      
#> 2 wnon  0.00000000804 0     Inf    Tail      
#> 3 wspl  0.0000000260  0     Inf    Tail      
#> 4 wtru  0.0000000170  0     Inf    Tail      
#> 5 wall  0.701         0.109   4.51 Tail

# Table observation countns
#> # A tibble: 20,091 x 15
#>    gene_name n_syn n_mis n_non n_spl wmis_cv wnon_cv wspl_cv pmis_cv ptrunc_cv
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 ATF4          0     1     0     0   5262.       0       0 1.00e-4     0.998
#>  2 C14orf79      0     1     0     0   4702.       0       0 1.13e-4     0.998
#>  3 FAM189A1      0     1     0     0   3155.       0       0 1.72e-4     0.997
#>  4 RNF150        0     1     0     0   2793.       0       0 1.96e-4     0.998
#>  5 NEO1          0     1     0     0   1141.       0       0 5.09e-4     0.994
#>  6 TTN           0     0     0     0      0        0       0 8.36e-1     0.968
#>  7 MUC16         0     0     0     0      0        0       0 8.95e-1     0.990
#>  8 OBSCN         0     0     0     0      0        0       0 9.15e-1     0.989
#>  9 SYNE1         0     0     0     0      0        0       0 9.17e-1     0.985
#> 10 NEB           0     0     0     0      0        0       0 9.19e-1     0.978
#> # … with 20,081 more rows, and 5 more variables: pallsubs_cv <dbl>,
#> #   qmis_cv <dbl>, qtrunc_cv <dbl>, qallsubs_cv <dbl>, dnds_group <chr>

# Plot

The default plot contains results obtained from all substitution models available in dndscv. Specific models can be required using the parameters of the dnds function.

Using custom genes lists

A custom list of genes can be supplied in the call to dnds as the variable genes_list; the package provides 4 lists of interests for this type of computation:

  • a list of driver genes compiled in Martincorena et al. Cell 171.5 (2017): 1029-1041.;
  • a list of driver genes compiled in Tarabichi, et al. Nature Genetics 50.12 (2018): 1630.;
  • a list of essential genes compiled in Wang et al. Science 350.6264 (2015): 1096-1101.;
  • a list of essential genes compiled in Bloomen et al. Science 350.6264 (2015): 1092-1096..

which are available to load.

# Load the list
data('cancer_genes_dnds', package = 'mobster')

# Each sublist is a list 
print(lapply(cancer_genes_dnds, head))
#> $Martincorena_drivers
#> [1] "CCDC6"     "EIF1AX"    "HIST1H2BD" "MED12"     "POLE"      "SMARCB1"  
#> $Tarabichi_drivers
#> [1] "ACVR1"  "ACVR1B" "AKT1"   "ALK"    "AMER1"  "APC"   
#> $Wang_essentials
#> [1] "ABL1"    "RPL23A"  "AARS2"   "TRMT112" "FARSA"   "ABCB7"  
#> $Bloomen_essentials
#> [1] "AARS"     "AASDHPPT" "AATF"     "ABCB7"    "ABCE1"    "ABCF1"

A custom gene list can be used as follows.

# Not run here
dnds_stats = dnds(
  mapping = c(`C1` = 'Non-tail', `C2` = 'Non-tail', `C3` = 'Non-tail', `Tail` = 'Tail'),
  gene_list = cancer_genes_dnds$Martincorena_drivers

Pooling data from multiple patients

The input format of the dnds function allows to pool data from several fits at once. We pool data from the 2 datasets available in the package.

# 2 lung samples
data('LU4_lung_sample', package = 'mobster')
data('LUFF76_lung_sample', package = 'mobster')

We pool the data selecting the required columns.

dnds_multi = dnds(
    Clusters(LU4_lung_sample$best) %>% select(chr, from, ref, alt, cluster) %>% mutate(sample = 'LU4'),
    Clusters(LUFF76_lung_sample$best) %>% select(chr, from, ref, alt, cluster) %>% mutate(sample = 'LUFF76')
  mapping = c(`C1` = 'Non-tail',  # Pool together all clonal mutations
              `Tail` = 'Tail'     # Pool together all tail mutations),
#> ℹ 3580 mutations; 2 groups in 2 samples, with no genes (default dndscv).
#> [refdb = hg19] Removing chr from chromosome names for hg19 reference compatability
#> Non-tail     Tail 
#>     2194     1386
#> ── Running dndscv ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Group Non-tail
#> [1] Loading the environment...
#> [2] Annotating the mutations...
#> [3] Estimating global rates...
#> [4] Running dNdSloc...
#> [5] Running dNdScv...
#>     Regression model for substitutions (theta = 17.5).
#> ── Group Tail
#> [1] Loading the environment...
#> [2] Annotating the mutations...
#> [3] Estimating global rates...
#> [4] Running dNdSloc...
#> [5] Running dNdScv...
#>     Regression model for substitutions (theta = 8.54).
#> ── dndscv results ────────────────────────────── wall, wmis, wnon, wspl, wtru ──
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#>    name            mle  cilow cihigh dnds_group
#>    <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>     
#>  1 wmis  1.16          0.375    3.58 Non-tail  
#>  2 wnon  2.25          0.223   22.8  Non-tail  
#>  3 wspl  0.0000000301  0      Inf    Non-tail  
#>  4 wtru  0.658         0.0716   6.05 Non-tail  
#>  5 wall  1.11          0.370    3.33 Non-tail  
#>  6 wmis  0.508         0.121    2.13 Tail      
#>  7 wnon  0.00000000835 0      Inf    Tail      
#>  8 wspl  0.0000000461  0      Inf    Tail      
#>  9 wtru  0.0000000201  0      Inf    Tail      
#> 10 wall  0.472         0.115    1.95 Tail
