Population Genetics statistics can be extracted from a MOBSTER model.

data('fit_example', package = 'mobster')
#> ── [ MOBSTER ] My MOBSTER model n = 5000 with k = 2 Beta(s) and a tail ─────────
#> ● Clusters: π = 55% [C1], 31% [Tail], and 14% [C2], with π > 0.
#> ● Tail [n = 1370, 31%] with alpha = 1.2.
#> ● Beta C1 [n = 2784, 55%] with mean = 0.48.
#> ● Beta C2 [n = 846, 14%] with mean = 0.15.
#> ℹ Score(s): NLL = -5671.5; ICL = -10359.09 (-11266.35), H = 907.26 (0). Fit
#> converged by MM in 75 steps.

#> # A tibble: 1 x 7
#>      mu exponent  time subclonefrequency subclonemutations cluster     s
#>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>             <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
#> 1  73.5     2.25  5.98             0.298              695. C2      0.177

The mutation rate mu (cell division units) scaled by the probability of lineage survival \(\beta\), \(\mu/\beta\), is given by: \[ \mu/\beta = \dfrac{M} {(\frac{1}{f_\text{min}} - \frac{1}{f_\text{max}})} \] Where \(f_\text{min}\) is the minimum VAF and \(f_\text{max}\) is the maximum, and \(M\) is the number of mutations between \(f_\text{min}\) and \(f_\text{max}\).

Selection is defined as the relative growth rates of host tumour cell populations (\(\lambda h\)) vs subclone (\(\lambda s\)): \[ 1+s= \dfrac{\lambda h}{ \lambda s} \]

The mathematical details of these computations are described in the main paper, and baesd on the population genetics model of tumour evolutionin Williams et al. 2016 and 2018 (Nature Genetics).