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This method retrieves the simulation rates update history.


A dataframe containing the event rates updates. The dataframe contains the columns "time", "mutant", "epistate", "event", and "rate". Each row reports an update in the rate of an event in a species.


# set the seed of the random number generator

# create a simulation
sim <- SpatialSimulation()
sim$add_mutant(name = "A",
               epigenetic_rates = c("+-" = 0.01, "-+" = 0.01),
               growth_rates = c("+" = 0.2, "-" = 0.08),
               death_rates = c("+" = 0.1, "-" = 0.01))

sim$place_cell("A+", 500, 500)

sim$death_activation_level <- 100
sim$run_up_to_size(species = "A-", num_of_cells = 5000)
 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot                                        

# Set the death and epigenetic switch rates of "A-" to 0
sim$update_rates("A-", c(switch=0, death=0))

sim$run_up_to_size(species = "A+", num_of_cells = 5000)
 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot                                        

# Set the death rate of "A+" to 0.5
sim$update_rates("A+", c(death=0.5))

 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot                                        

# get the rates update history
#>       time mutant epistate  event rate
#> 1   0.0000      A        -  death 0.01
#> 2   0.0000      A        - growth 0.08
#> 3   0.0000      A        +  death 0.10
#> 4   0.0000      A        + growth 0.20
#> 5 147.5146      A        -  death 0.00
#> 6 147.5146      A        - switch 0.00
#> 7 250.4049      A        +  death 0.50