Getting the sampled cells mutations
This method returns the mutations of the sample cells.
A dataframe reporting cell_id
, chr
, (i.e., the mutation
chromosome), chr_pos
(i.e., position in the chromosome), allele
(in which the mutation occurs), ref
, alt
, type
(i.e., either
or "indel"
), cause
, and class
(i.e., "driver"
, "germinal"
or "preneoplastic"
) for each mutation
in the sampled cell genomes.
This method builds a dataframe representing all the SNV and the indel mutations in the cells sampled during the simulation and represented by the leaves of the phylogenetic forest. The dataframe also reports the allele in which the mutations occur to support double occurrencies due to CNAs.
sim <- SpatialSimulation()
sim$add_mutant(name = "Clone_1",
epigenetic_rates = c("+-" = 0.01, "-+" = 0.01),
growth_rates = c("+" = 0.2, "-" = 0.08),
death_rates = c("+" = 0.05, "-" = 0.01))
sim$place_cell("Clone_1+", 500, 500)
sim$run_up_to_size("Clone_1-", 1000)
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Saving snapshot
sim$sample_cells("Sample_A", c(475, 475), c(525, 525))
sample_forest <- sim$get_samples_forest()
m_engine <- MutationEngine(setup_code = "demo")
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading context index
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Context index loaded
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading RS index
[████████████████------------------------] 38% [00m:01s] Loading RS index
[███████████████████████████-------------] 67% [00m:02s] Loading RS index
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:02s] RS index loaded
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading germline
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Germline loaded
m_engine$add_mutant("Clone_1", list("+" = c(SNV = 1e-7, indel = 1e-8),
"-" = c(SNV = 3e-7, CNA = 1e-11)),
list(SNV("22", 10510210, "C", allele = 1),
CNA("D", "22", 5010000, 200000,
allele = 1)))
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Retrieving "Clone_1" SNVs
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Found 22
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Reading 22
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:01s] Reading 22
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:01s] "Clone_1" SNVs retrieved
m_engine$add_exposure(c(ID1 = 1, SBS1 = 0.5, SBS2 = 0.5))
phylo_forest <- m_engine$place_mutations(sample_forest, 1, 1)
[█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Placing mutations
[██████████████████████████████████████--] 94% [00m:01s] Placing mutations
[████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:01s] Mutations placed
mutations <- phylo_forest$get_sampled_cell_mutations()
#> cell_id chr chr_pos allele ref alt type cause class
#> 1 583 22 16557388 0 G A SNV SBS2 passenger
#> 2 583 22 16959608 0 C T SNV SBS2 passenger
#> 3 583 22 17379701 0 G A SNV SBS2 passenger
#> 4 583 22 17430226 0 G A SNV SBS2 passenger
#> 5 583 22 17557381 0 G A SNV SBS1 passenger
#> 6 583 22 18308060 0 G A SNV SBS1 passenger