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This method returns the population descriptions.


A dataframe containing the population descriptions.


The population descriptions are stored in a dataframe describing the populations. The column code contains the population codes; the columns description and long description report a brief and a long description for the populations, respectively.


# build a mutation engine
m_engine <- MutationEngine(setup_code = "demo")
 [█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading context index                                    

 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Context index loaded                                   

 [█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading RS index                                         

 [████████████████------------------------] 39% [00m:01s] Loading RS index                                        

 [███████████████████████████████---------] 76% [00m:02s] Loading RS index                                        

 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:02s] RS index loaded                                        

 [█---------------------------------------] 0% [00m:00s] Loading germline                                         

 [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% [00m:00s] Germline loaded                                        

# get the active germline subject dataframe
head(m_engine$get_population_descritions(), 5)
#>   code          description                    long.description
#> 1  CHB          Han Chinese       Han Chinese in Beijing, China
#> 2  JPT             Japanese            Japanese in Tokyo, Japan
#> 3  CHS Southern Han Chinese                   Han Chinese South
#> 4  CDX          Dai Chinese Chinese Dai in Xishuangbanna, China
#> 5  KHV      Kinh Vietnamese   Kinh in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam