Fit breakpoints to bipod object
Fit breakpoints to bipod object
norm = TRUE,
n_trials = 500,
avg_points_per_window = 3,
available_changepoints = c(0:5),
model_selection = "LOO",
n_core = 4
- x
A bipod object.
- norm
Logical value indicating whether to normalize the data. If TRUE, the time and count data are standardized before fitting the model. (default is TRUE)
- n_trials
Integer specifying the number of trials for the optimization algorithm. This controls the number of iterations used to fit the breakpoints. (default is 500)
- avg_points_per_window
Integer specifying the average number of data points per segment. This parameter influences the granularity of the segments when searching for breakpoints. (default is 3)
- available_changepoints
Integer vector specifying the range of available changepoints. These values represent the possible number of breakpoints to be considered during model fitting. (default is 0:5)
- model_selection
Character string specifying the model selection criterion. Options include 'LOO' (Leave-One-Out cross-validation), 'AIC' (Akaike Information Criterion), and 'BIC' (Bayesian Information Criterion). (default is "LOO")
- n_core
Integer specifying the number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing. (default is 4)