Plot the fit penalty as a barplot, for each one of a set of desired driver events, where the bar represents the counts of each trajectory in the data. This function allows also to filter out entries that have been seen below a predetermined cutoff, and tests for significance in the association A -> B via a one-sided Fisher 2x2 test adjusted for the number of comparison (marginal count of B-ended trajectories). The tests are carried out by function revolver:::enrichment_test_incoming_edge, which can be used to obtain a tidy representation of the tests' results.

  drivers = x$variantIDs.driver,
  min.occurrences = 0,
  alpha_level = 0.05,
  drivers_palette = distinct_palette_many



A REVOLVER object with fits.


The list of drivers to use; by default all of them. If the entry is a subset of the actual list of all drivers, all the entries in the penalty data structure x$fit$penalty will be used if they involve at least one event from drivers.


The penalty data structure will be filtered for count values above this threshold.


The significance level for the enrichment Fisher test.


A function that can return, for an input number, a number of colours.


A ggplot object for this plot.


# Data released in the 'evoverse.datasets' data('TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER', package = 'evoverse.datasets') plot_penalty(TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER)
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> Enrichment test for incoming edges #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> # A tibble: 49 x 15 #> estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative from to POS_POS #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> #> 1 23.0 1.82e-9 8.60 Inf Fisher'… greater EGFR TP53 13 #> 2 25.4 1.36e-6 4.81 Inf Fisher'… greater GL PIK3… 20 #> 3 10.5 6.27e-6 4.19 Inf Fisher'… greater CDKN… TP53 10 #> 4 12.6 8.68e-6 3.56 Inf Fisher'… greater GL EGFR 20 #> 5 Inf 1.48e-5 5.16 Inf Fisher'… greater GL CDKN… 14 #> 6 Inf 1.48e-5 5.16 Inf Fisher'… greater GL SOX2 14 #> 7 19.8 1.71e-5 5.37 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 FAT1 7 #> 8 Inf 2.10e-5 9.42 Inf Fisher'… greater RASA1 TP53 5 #> 9 Inf 5.99e-5 14.5 Inf Fisher'… greater BRAF TERT 3 #> 10 Inf 7.41e-5 4.31 Inf Fisher'… greater GL KEAP1 12 #> # … with 39 more rows, and 6 more variables: POS_NEG <int>, NEG_POS <int>, #> # NEG_NEG <int>, alpha_level <dbl>, N <int>, psign <lgl>
plot_penalty(TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER, min.occurrences = 5)
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> Enrichment test for incoming edges #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> # A tibble: 15 x 15 #> estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative from to POS_POS #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> #> 1 Inf 3.10e-8 11.5 Inf Fisher'… greater EGFR TP53 13 #> 2 Inf 3.16e-7 15.0 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 FAT1 7 #> 3 Inf 2.01e-6 8.13 Inf Fisher'… greater CDKN… TP53 10 #> 4 Inf 2.95e-6 11.9 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 TERT 6 #> 5 Inf 7.88e-6 7.08 Inf Fisher'… greater KRAS TP53 9 #> 6 Inf 2.67e-5 9.10 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 NFE2… 5 #> 7 Inf 2.67e-5 9.10 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 NOTC… 5 #> 8 Inf 9.14e-4 2.67 Inf Fisher'… greater GL EGFR 20 #> 9 Inf 9.14e-4 2.67 Inf Fisher'… greater GL PIK3… 20 #> 10 Inf 1.64e-3 3.21 Inf Fisher'… greater RASA1 TP53 5 #> 11 Inf 8.06e-3 1.75 Inf Fisher'… greater GL CDKN… 14 #> 12 Inf 8.06e-3 1.75 Inf Fisher'… greater GL SOX2 14 #> 13 3.26 1.52e-2 1.31 Inf Fisher'… greater TP53 KRAS 8 #> 14 Inf 1.64e-2 1.45 Inf Fisher'… greater GL KEAP1 12 #> 15 Inf 4.69e-2 1.03 Inf Fisher'… greater GL FGFR1 9 #> # … with 6 more variables: POS_NEG <int>, NEG_POS <int>, NEG_NEG <int>, #> # alpha_level <dbl>, N <int>, psign <lgl>
plot_penalty(TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER, min.occurrences = 5, alpha_level = 0.001)
#> #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> Enrichment test for incoming edges #> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #> # A tibble: 9 x 15 #> estimate p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative from to POS_POS #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> #> 1 Inf 3.10e-8 11.5 Inf Fisher's… greater EGFR TP53 13 #> 2 Inf 3.16e-7 15.0 Inf Fisher's… greater TP53 FAT1 7 #> 3 Inf 2.01e-6 8.13 Inf Fisher's… greater CDKN… TP53 10 #> 4 Inf 2.95e-6 11.9 Inf Fisher's… greater TP53 TERT 6 #> 5 Inf 7.88e-6 7.08 Inf Fisher's… greater KRAS TP53 9 #> 6 Inf 2.67e-5 9.10 Inf Fisher's… greater TP53 NFE2… 5 #> 7 Inf 2.67e-5 9.10 Inf Fisher's… greater TP53 NOTC… 5 #> 8 Inf 9.14e-4 2.67 Inf Fisher's… greater GL EGFR 20 #> 9 Inf 9.14e-4 2.67 Inf Fisher's… greater GL PIK3… 20 #> # … with 6 more variables: POS_NEG <int>, NEG_POS <int>, NEG_NEG <int>, #> # alpha_level <dbl>, N <int>, psign <lgl>