Example of a CONGAS+ object containg a subset of the multiome Lymphoma data.
CONGAS+ object
#> ✖ Warning ATAC 0-counts cells. 2 cells have no data in any of 22 segments, top 2 with missing data are:
#> ✖ Cell GTCCTAGAGCCAAATC-1-ATAC with 1 0-segments (5%)
#> ✖ Cell TCTCGCCCAAACATAG-1-ATAC with 1 0-segments (5%)
#> ── [ (R)CONGAS+ ] Bimodal lymphoma ─────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── CNA segments (reference: GRCh38)
#> → Input 22 CNA segments, mean ploidy 2.
#> | | | | | | | | | | | |
#> Ploidy: 0 1 2 3 4 5 *
#> ── Modalities
#> → RNA: 500 cells with 9887 mapped genes, 491284 non-zero values. Likelihood: Negative Binomial.
#> → ATAC: 500 cells with 56942 mapped peaks, 1529825 non-zero values. Likelihood: Negative Binomial.
#> ! Clusters: not available.
#> ── LOG ──
#> - 2024-04-03 17:06:34.686264 Created input object.
#> - 2024-04-03 17:06:38.989073 Filtered s123egments: [0|50|50]
#> [1] 0