After mapping data to segments, this function can be used to remove segments that are too short, or that have too few mapped RNA genes or ATAC peaks. A parameters allows to input a list of segments that will be retained no matter what.
The function requires and returns an (R)CONGAS+ object.
length = 0,
RNA_genes = 50,
ATAC_peaks = 50,
segments = list(),
RNA_nonzerocells = 0,
ATAC_nonzerocells = 0
An rcongasplus
Mimium size in number of bases for each segment. This is 0
by default, and therefore non effective.
Required number of RNA genes, if RNA is available. This is
by default.
Required number of ATAC peaks, if ATAC is available. This is
by default.
A list of segment ids to retain regardless of the filters.
The object x
where segments have been identified and
# Default
#> ── [ (R)CONGAS+ ] SU008 TUMOR 30 segments (73.66% genome) ──────────────────────
#> ── CNA segments (reference: GRCh38)
#> → Input 30 CNA segments, mean ploidy 3.2.
#> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
#> Ploidy: 0 1 2 3 4 5 *
#> ── Modalities
#> → RNA: 714 cells with 8613 mapped genes, 1401728 non-zero values. Likelihood: Negative Binomial.
#> → ATAC: 259 cells with 284316 mapped peaks, 3083691 non-zero values. Likelihood: Negative Binomial.
#> ! Clusters: not available.
#> ── LOG ──
#> - 2021-03-30 17:58:41 Created input object.
#> - 2021-03-30 17:58:43 Filtered outliers: [6|0.05|0.95]
#> [1] 0
example_object %>%
filter_segments() %>%
#> ── Segments filter
#> → 0 retained segments out of 30.
#> Error in filter_segments(.): All segments removed with these parameters.
# Minimum size
example_object %>%
filter_segments(length = 1e7) %>%
#> ── Segments filter
#> → 0 retained segments out of 30.
#> Error in filter_segments(., length = 1e+07): All segments removed with these parameters.