Filter genes from an RNA tibble.
filter_known_genes(x, what = "rm", specials = "MALAT1")
The tibble for RNA.
A code string. If this contains "r" ribosomal genes are removed. If this contains "m" mitocondrial genes are removed. Both are matched by a regular expression.
A list of genes to remove a priori.
The RNA tibble without the required gene entries.
#> ── Ribosomal
#> ℹ n = 166 genes found.
#> MRPL20, RPL22, RPL11, MRPS15, RPS8, RPL5 , ...
#> ── Mitochondrial
#> ℹ 180 genes found.
#> ── Specials
#> ℹ n = 1 genes found.
#> # A tibble: 190,566 × 6
#> gene chr from to cell value
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <int>
#> 1 NOC2L chr1 944203 959309 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 2
#> 2 AGRN chr1 1020120 1056118 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 3 SDF4 chr1 1216909 1232067 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 4 ACAP3 chr1 1292390 1309609 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 2
#> 5 CPTP chr1 1324756 1328896 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 6 AURKAIP1 chr1 1373730 1375495 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 7 CCNL2 chr1 1385711 1399335 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 2
#> 8 CDK11B chr1 1635225 1659012 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 9 CDK11A chr1 1702379 1724357 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 1
#> 10 WRAP73 chr1 3630767 3652761 bcc.su008.pre.tumor_AAGGCAGTCACCGTAA 2
#> # ℹ 190,556 more rows