Check for CHIP variants in normal and tumour at high VAF
normal_bam = NULL,
tumour_bam = NULL,
reference = "hg38",
min_vaf = 0.05,
only_snvs = TRUE,
add_chr = TRUE
path of bam file for healthy sample
path of bam file for tumour sample
reference genome, one of hg38 or hg19
minimum required VAF to flag the mutation
use only SVNs and filter indels
if chromosomes on BAM files have chr set it to TRUE
The function takes a tumour and a normal bam files and scans for known CHIP mutations listed in Bick et al.. The function gives back a data frame with mutation having VAF higher than min_vaf
A bit of caution has to be taken when interpreting indels results, as from the pileup we cannot assign a lenght to the indel and the frameshit nature of the alteration. We suggest doing a proper small variant calling to confirm the results.
Two dataframes for each of tumour and nomal with coloumns: chr, pos, alt, ref, VAF, DP and NV (chromosome, position, alternative allele, reference allele, variant allelic frequency, depth , number of variant reads)