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Process input data into an object of class 'INCOMMON', ready for downstream analyses (e.g. classify).


init(genomic_data, clinical_data, gene_roles = INCOMMON::cancer_gene_census)



a data table of annotated mutations with columns sample name sample, mutant chromosome chr, mutation start position from, mutation end position to, reference allele ref, alternative allele alt, integer sequencing depth DP, integer number of reads with variant NV, variant allele frequency VAF and gene name gene as Hugo Symbol, protein sequence of the variant in HGVS recommended format, preferably 1-letter amino-acid code HGVSp_Short.


a data table of clinical data with compulsory matching sample names sample and sample purity purity, and optional clinical features like tumor type ONCOTREE code tumor_type (required for tumor specific priors), overall survival status OS_STATUS and time OS_MONTHS (required for survival analysis), SAMPLE_TYPE (Primary or Metastasis) and number of metastases MET_COUNT (required for metastatic propensity analysis), metastatic site METASTATIC_SITE (required for metastatic tropism analysis), plus any other useful covariate.


A data table reporting gene names and associated gene_role ("oncogene" or "TSG"). The default is taken from COSMIC Cancer Gene Census v98.


An object of class INCOMMON.


# Example input data from the MSK-MetTropism cohort, released with the package
#> # A tibble: 224,939 × 10
#>    sample    chr        from        to ref   alt      DP    NV   VAF gene   
#>    <chr>     <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 P-0028912 chr17   7577121   7577121 G     A       837   133 0.159 TP53   
#>  2 P-0028912 chr6  111983080 111983081 -     A       698   141 0.202 FYN    
#>  3 P-0028912 chrX   53246994  53246994 G     A       832    85 0.102 KDM5C  
#>  4 P-0003698 chr17   7576852   7576852 C     A       437   109 0.249 TP53   
#>  5 P-0003698 chr3   49933259  49933259 C     A       591    86 0.146 MST1R  
#>  6 P-0003698 chr5  149435631 149435631 C     T       360    36 0.1   CSF1R  
#>  7 P-0003698 chr13  32913797  32913797 G     C      1027   162 0.158 BRCA2  
#>  8 P-0003698 chr13  32914259  32914259 G     C      1021   182 0.178 BRCA2  
#>  9 P-0003698 chr19  11136104  11136104 G     T       573    98 0.171 SMARCA4
#> 10 P-0003698 chr22  41543840  41543840 G     A       416    45 0.108 EP300  
#> # ℹ 224,929 more rows
#> # A tibble: 25,368 × 17
#> # Rowwise: 
#>    sample    tumor_type purity OS_MONTHS OS_STATUS SAMPLE_TYPE MET_COUNT
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>
#>  1 P-0000004 BRCA          0.5      3.78         1 Primary             2
#>  2 P-0000015 BRCA          0.4     13.9          1 Metastasis          8
#>  3 P-0000024 UCEC          0.4     35.1          1 Metastasis          8
#>  4 P-0000025 UCEC          0.3     46            1 Metastasis         13
#>  5 P-0000026 UCEC          0.1     80.6          0 Metastasis         11
#>  6 P-0000034 BLCA          0.4      0.79         1 Primary             4
#>  7 P-0000037 HCC           0.9     80.9          0 Metastasis          1
#>  8 P-0000039 PLEMESO       0.4      5.62         1 Primary             5
#>  9 P-0000041 BRCA          0.3     13.6          1 Primary             9
#> 10 P-0000042 PLEMESO       0.4     56.9          1 Primary             0
#> # ℹ 25,358 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: METASTATIC_SITE <chr>, MET_SITE_COUNT <dbl>,
#> #   SEX <chr>, TMB_NONSYNONYMOUS <dbl>, FGA <dbl>, AGE_AT_SEQUENCING <dbl>,
#> #   RACE <chr>
# Initialize the INCOMMON object (note the outputs to screen)
x = init(genomic_data = MSK_genomic_data, clinical_data = MSK_clinical_data)
#> ── INCOMMON - Inference of copy number and mutation multiplicity in oncology ───
#> ── Genomic data ──
#>  Found 25659 samples, with 224939 mutations in 491 genes
#> ! No read counts found for 1393 mutations in 1393 samples
#> ! Gene name not provided for 1393 mutations
#> ! 201 genes could not be assigned a role (TSG or oncogene)
#> ── Clinical data ──
#>  Provided clinical features:
#>  sample (required for classification)
#>  purity (required for classification)
#>  tumor_type
#>  SEX
#>  FGA
#>  RACE
#>  Found 25257 matching samples
#>  Found 513 unmatched samples
# An S3 method can be used to report to screen what is in the object
#> ── [ INCOMMON ]  175054 PASS mutations across 24018 samples, with 290 mutant gen
#>  Average sample purity: 0.4
#>  Average sequencing depth: 649
#> # A tibble: 175,054 × 27
#>    sample    tumor_type purity chr     from     to ref   alt      DP    NV   VAF
#>    <chr>     <chr>       <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
#>  1 P-0028912 CHOL          0.3 chr17 7.58e6 7.58e6 G     A       837   133 0.159
#>  2 P-0028912 CHOL          0.3 chrX  5.32e7 5.32e7 G     A       832    85 0.102
#>  3 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr17 7.58e6 7.58e6 C     A       437   109 0.249
#>  4 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr5  1.49e8 1.49e8 C     T       360    36 0.1  
#>  5 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr13 3.29e7 3.29e7 G     C      1027   162 0.158
#>  6 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr13 3.29e7 3.29e7 G     C      1021   182 0.178
#>  7 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr19 1.11e7 1.11e7 G     T       573    98 0.171
#>  8 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chr22 4.15e7 4.15e7 G     A       416    45 0.108
#>  9 P-0003698 BLCA          0.2 chrX  4.49e7 4.49e7 C     T       730   194 0.266
#> 10 P-0003823 BLCA          0.6 chr5  1.30e6 1.30e6 G     A       218   138 0.633
#> # ℹ 175,044 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: gene <chr>, gene_role <chr>, OS_MONTHS <dbl>,
#> #   OS_STATUS <dbl>, SAMPLE_TYPE <chr>, MET_COUNT <dbl>, METASTATIC_SITE <chr>,
#> #   GENE_PANEL <chr>, SEX <chr>, TMB_NONSYNONYMOUS <dbl>, FGA <dbl>,
#> #   AGE_AT_SEQUENCING <dbl>, RACE <chr>