This functions plots the score of each combination of parameters for this mixture.
x | An object of class |
A ggplot object.
# Simple dataset data = data.frame(successes = c(rbinom(30, 100, .4), rbinom(70, 100, .7)), trials = 100) # BMix fit x = bmixfit(data, K.Binomials = 1:3, K.BetaBinomials = 1:3)#>#>#>#> ℹ Binomials k_B = 1, 2, and 3, Beta-Binomials k_BB = 1, 2, and 3; 12 fits to run.#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: NaNs produced#> Warning: MLE error, forcing stop.#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: 60 diagonal elements of the working weights variable 'wz' have been replaced by 1.819e-12#> Warning: iterations terminated because half-step sizes are very small#> Warning: some quantities such as z, residuals, SEs may be inaccurate due to convergence at a half-step#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: 60 diagonal elements of the working weights variable 'wz' have been replaced by 1.819e-12#> Warning: iterations terminated because half-step sizes are very small#> Warning: some quantities such as z, residuals, SEs may be inaccurate due to convergence at a half-step#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#> Warning: start values do not satisfy constraints#>#> ℹ Bmix best fit completed in 0.02 mins#>#> [ BMix ] My BMix model n = 100 with k = 2 component(s) (2 + 0) ──────────────#> Bin 2] and 30% [Bin 1], with π > 0.#> Bin 1 with mean = 0.395619239688036.#> Bin 2 with mean = 0.691086760482976.#> ℹ Score (model selection): ICL = 715.67.plot_model_selection(x)